Wednesday, September 14, 2011

{FIT your kitchen}

70% of your fit life is influenced by the food and beverages you consume! I made that number up, but know that it IS extremely important!! How many times have you been to the gym to see the same people working out (on the same schedule as you) and, let's face it, their bodies aren't in tip top condition and they aren't changing?  Or maybe, you feel that this person is you!  So what gives? They work out hard and seem to be going through the motions correctly at the gym...well, if you haven't noticed...we spend an hour or two (at most) in the gym and how many hours outside of it?!  

Now that we have stressed the importance of a healthy diet, let's talk about what foods are a great starting point to...

FIT your kitchen!!!

Below is a very basic list to start with, a FIT diet is a CLEAN diet!  For recipe ideas, you can go to and enter in a few key ingredients! 

So you want to get started right now and don't know how to build a menu...YOU my friend, are in luck! Below is a sample meal plan and tips that will get you started. Much more to come, but until then....

It's my FIT life...and I'm sharing it with you! 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

{first steps to a FIT life}

Think about what is in your fridge. Condiments, beverages, produce, dairy, deli meat, often do you buy those items and how many years have you been buying it? Now, how many of those items does your parents or family ALSO purchase. Bad habits, although you may not realize they are bad...just yet, don't happen over night. Often times you will have a bad habit and not even know that it is bad.

That changes, right can't say you didn't know once you read past this!

First thing is first...get rid of the crap that's in your house BEFORE you bring home the good stuff!  .

What is "crap?" 
  • Soft Drinks & Fruit Juices
  • Mayo & High Fat Dressings
  • Sour Cream & Fatty Dairy Products
  • High Fat Processed Meats (Sausage, Bacon, Frozen Meatballs, etc)
  • Frozen Desserts & Ice Cream
  • Sugar & Oil-Laden Sauces Dressings - Corn Syrup and Vegetable Oil Based
  • Processed Foods...such as...
    • Snacks: Pretzels, Chips, Granola Bars, Cookies
    • Frozen Foods: TV Dinners, Fish Stix, Waffels
    • Instant Foods: Macaroni & Cheese, Instant Mashed Pots, etc.
    • Whitened Foods: White Bread, White Rice, Pasta, etc.
    • Deli Meats: Lunch Meats
    • Boxed Cereal- Unless it's Organic....
So, get busy! time, next step...Filling your fridge and pantry with things that have nutritional value and will help you lead a fit life!

It's My Fit Life...and I'm sharing it with you!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

{a diet fit for...YOU}

Creating a diet fit for YOU is important if you want to reach your goals. I always say that changing everything you love (even though it has gotten you where you are today) is the quickest way to reach failure. You must design goals that are attainable, yet motivating. You must make small changes that fit into your lifestyle and a diet plan that compliments your taste.

As mentioned in my SNACK ME post, eating every 2-4 hours is the best thing you can do for your metabolism. But there are rules.  Each time you eat, you have the opportunity to make your body better or worse.  Research has proven that eating well chosen, properly sized meals every few hours will...


With each eating opportunity, include lean protein.  My body changed drastically when I started to focus on the amount of protein I was consuming. Prior to changing my eating habits, I would eat protein in maybe 2 meals a day and when I did eat was in such small amounts.

Women should eat 20-30 g of protein per meal and Men 40-60g. Protein will stimulate your metabolism, improve muscle mass & recovery and will undoubtedly reduce body fat. To sum it want to burn more fat, eat more protein and build more muscle. I promise you you'll see a difference!

Recently read this great article on the protein and should definitely check it out!

Mother was right...EAT YOUR VEGGIES!

I didn't bold and highlight that header in green by happenstance. Not only do you need to incorporate protein with every meal, you need to include 2-3 servings of veggies and/or fruit.  For optimal benefits, raw/fresh/organic forms are best. However, I know that is not ideal with every lifestyle. Drinks, supplements, pills...any way you can get your veggies and the benefits that come from them, I'll take!

Our food today is so depleted of the proper micro nutrients we need to fight off free radicals and sustain optimal health, that we need supplementation as well as a complete knowledge of why eating our veggies is important.

So here you go!  Veggies are loaded with vitamins and minerals as we all know. But they also supply an alkaline load to the blood. Why is this important? I just told you to incorporate protein with every meal.  Protein (and grains) present acid loads to your blood, so it is very important to balance that acid with the alkaline found in vegetables. Why is acid bad?  Acid will result in loss of bone and muscle mass...the opposite of what we want.  Moral of the story: Eat. Your. Vegetables.



Now that you know you should eat veggies and fruit with every meal, I am positive you are asking yourself when other carbs are acceptable...right? Some carbs, such as Oatmeal and Sweet Pots are welcomed with open arms to every meal (except dinner).

For those of you wondering, those "other carbs" are bread, pasta, rice, sugary foods...if you want them, fine, but remember these three rules:
  1. Moderation: watch your portion sizes!
  2. Whole grain options ONLY
  3. Only eat them 1-2 hours AFTER Exercise. You want change...then you have to EARN those carbs!
Body composition change requires carbs. Carbs fuel your muscles and gives you energy.  However, timing and strategy when consuming carbs is super important.  If you want to kick-start fat loss in those stubborn and hard-to-remove body fat stores...follow the rules!

It's My Fit Life...and I'm sharing it with you!

{gut check}

Someone says, “I’d love to lose weight. “ The response they get from the person they are soliciting advice from is, “Eat less, work out more, drink more water....”  Their immediate response before the advice giver finishes their sentence is, “I know!” 

Oh, do you?... 
                                     ...Then why are you asking for advice and why aren't you doing it?

It boils down to this. Do they really know or do they think they know? The truth is, you don’t really know until you’ve done something successfully then repeated it.  Sometimes it takes doing it, repeating it, then teaching it to others before you really know it!!
Goals vs Behaviors
So now that we have determined, you don’t know...yet...let’s talk about sizing up your goals to your behaviors.  Setting a goal is the best way to achieve greatness in whatever area of life you are trying to improve. If leading a healthy lifestyle inclusive of being fit is your goal, then let’s be sure your behaviors are on point to reach your goals. If you say you want to lose 20 lbs and 4% body fat in the next month, however, you work out 3 times per week and are only semi-following your diet plan...GUT are not going to reach your goal. You’ll be lucky to reach it in 6 months. Sometimes drastic times require drastic measures...grab a partner and determine if your actions are measuring up!

Now you are saying, “but that’s the problem, being so hard core...all the what makes me give up!”  You must understand that there will be peaks and valleys. I recommend setting an Ultimate Goal..then several smaller goals to get you there. For example, for the next 4 weeks you will follow an accelerated diet, nutrition and workout plan for jump starting your fat loss. The next 2 weeks you will follow a more moderate/maintenance plan, then for the next 4 you will step it up.  Everyone has their comfort zones and cadence. Find yours and appreciate those valleys, as they are the resting periods for the times you are trying to reach the top of the mountain!

Now that you know that you don’t really know, I hope you can take some of this advice to start thinking about your Ultimate Goals and how you can reach them. We’ll talk about setting goals in another post...and until then...

It's My Fit Life...and I'm sharing it with you!

Friday, May 27, 2011

{journal your way fit}

I have one question for you, “How long did it take for you to get into the shape that you are in? “ This isn't a trick question for those of you that aren't in tip-top-shape!

Once you have answered this question,  read this statement,
“it only takes 21 days to make a habit.” 
You have spent months, years or even a lifetime of creating the habits that led you to not be 100% satisfied with your health and fitness lifestyle.  The great news is, our bodies can change at any time. The first step to that change is being conscious about what our bad habits are and then creating new healthy habits that will forever change your life!

You’re asking yourself now, “What are my bad habits and how do I change them?”  My answer: Become Consciously Competent about what you are doing to help or hurt your health and fitness goals.  In order to do that; you must be 100% transparent and truthful to what you are doing and track everything  in order to make a plan to lead a more fit lifestyle.  How do you do that?


Keeping a food journal for any all food/beverages consumed will help you be the most consciously competent about what is “actually” hurting or helping you.  Below are the things you should track:
  • Date
  • Time of Intake
  • All Food: Must include portion sizes. Saying “I ate chicken, rice and broccoli” sounds great, but if it’s 8oz of Chicken, 1 cup of broccoli and 1 cup of rice…this could be double the amount of calories you should be eating at one sitting! Without portions you cannot count calories…and after all, this is a numbers game!
  • All beverages:  Again, include how much! 1 bottle of Mt. Dew is 2.5 servings. Again, we need to know how much!  
    •  you’ll read about this in my H2O blog, however, I have to include here. Try to limit any carbonated beverages, aim for zero calorie drinks and H2O is by far the best liquid you can put into your body. Lastly – you’ll never shed the weight if you are dehydrated…so it is a MUST to keep the water coming!
  •  Exercise: Whether it is walking the dog for ten minutes; a jog; weight training or wrestling with the kids. Aim to track your physical activity!

Making lifestyle changes doesn't come naturally. To change your eating and exercise habits, you've got to plan to make it happen.  If you don’t know what you are doing to sabotage your fitness goals (hence our first step: Journal), you can’t truly design a plan that will work for you.

A great link that that reinforces the power of journaling and planning!

When should you start? NOW! The very next thing you put in your mouth, write it down.  Do this for 3 solid weeks, by that time it will be second nature.  You'll gradually find yourself holding YOURSELF accountable for what is or is not going into your body. Sometimes a gut check with ourselves is the most revealing. I sure didn't want to write down that I just ate a sleeve of my daughters oreo's!  Want to take it to the next level, get a partner and share your food journals each week. The fear of revealing our weaknesses to others,  are often times all we need to make better choices!

It's My Fit Life...and I'm sharing it with you!


{Snack Me}

If it does not benefit your body, do not consume it!  
So what do I mean by "benefit?"

Think about all of the100 calorie pack snacks available.  What's your most favorite one?  Now, if you have one available look at the ingredients. Is there anything there that jumps off the label and says, this is GREAT for my body?  I'm going to make a huge assumption...and say there probably isn't!  So, although it is tempting to buy these quick pre-packaged snacks for when you are on the run, but how long will it actually keep you running?

So, now I have many of you saying. I'm always on the run. I have to have something quick or the alternative is to just not eat.  After all, cutting calories will help me lose weight anyway!  I promise you that not eating is hurting you more than helping you!  Our bodies need fuel and our fuel is what we feed it.  Choose premium fuel and feel great or choose unleaded and never reach your health and fitness goals!

What does snacking do for you? 
Eating well balanced-portioned meals and snacking often, you will naturally increase your resting metabolic rate...and if you aren't following me, this will help you NATURALLY burn more calories.  If you choose to eat only a couple of times a day your body will make every effort to hold on to the food you eat- storing as much as fat as it can which slows down your resting metabolic rate at the same time! It is imperative to eat small meals and snacks often.  Once you train your metabolism, it will know that in two hours or so, it will be getting fueled again...thus not hesitating to use what you just fed it vs storing it as fat.  This in turn will also increase your resting metabolic rate, which we all know by now...increases your NATURAL fat burning!

I know, I know. I've just told you that you have to eat often and that you can't have pre-packaged non-nutritious snacks, so you have that puzzled and overwhelmed look on your face asking, "so what am I supposed to eat?"  No worries friends, go to my Snacks page and I will help you create a grocery list, prepare and portion out the most portable nutritious snacks for your new fit lifestyle!

It's My Fit Life...and I'm sharing it with you!


{water & weightloss}

Drink. More. Water.

We hear it all time. We read it all the time. However, do we really understand how important it is for our health? ...SO get off your butt and go grab a water to sip while you read this post!

Water helps with many important functions, such as: 
  • temperature regulation
  • cardiovascular function
  • waste product removal
  • active metabolism

Essentially, without proper amounts of water we are... dehydrated, lethargic, fatigued, constipated/irregular and hungry....which all leads to feeling, well...Not Great!

You will never reach your weight loss goals if you are dehydrated. For more reasons than the above, you can read the following article which will educate you on the importance of proper fluid intake...I couldn't write it any better!

It's My Fit Life...and I'm sharing it with you!