Friday, May 27, 2011

{Snack Me}

If it does not benefit your body, do not consume it!  
So what do I mean by "benefit?"

Think about all of the100 calorie pack snacks available.  What's your most favorite one?  Now, if you have one available look at the ingredients. Is there anything there that jumps off the label and says, this is GREAT for my body?  I'm going to make a huge assumption...and say there probably isn't!  So, although it is tempting to buy these quick pre-packaged snacks for when you are on the run, but how long will it actually keep you running?

So, now I have many of you saying. I'm always on the run. I have to have something quick or the alternative is to just not eat.  After all, cutting calories will help me lose weight anyway!  I promise you that not eating is hurting you more than helping you!  Our bodies need fuel and our fuel is what we feed it.  Choose premium fuel and feel great or choose unleaded and never reach your health and fitness goals!

What does snacking do for you? 
Eating well balanced-portioned meals and snacking often, you will naturally increase your resting metabolic rate...and if you aren't following me, this will help you NATURALLY burn more calories.  If you choose to eat only a couple of times a day your body will make every effort to hold on to the food you eat- storing as much as fat as it can which slows down your resting metabolic rate at the same time! It is imperative to eat small meals and snacks often.  Once you train your metabolism, it will know that in two hours or so, it will be getting fueled again...thus not hesitating to use what you just fed it vs storing it as fat.  This in turn will also increase your resting metabolic rate, which we all know by now...increases your NATURAL fat burning!

I know, I know. I've just told you that you have to eat often and that you can't have pre-packaged non-nutritious snacks, so you have that puzzled and overwhelmed look on your face asking, "so what am I supposed to eat?"  No worries friends, go to my Snacks page and I will help you create a grocery list, prepare and portion out the most portable nutritious snacks for your new fit lifestyle!

It's My Fit Life...and I'm sharing it with you!


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