Tuesday, June 14, 2011

{gut check}

Someone says, “I’d love to lose weight. “ The response they get from the person they are soliciting advice from is, “Eat less, work out more, drink more water....”  Their immediate response before the advice giver finishes their sentence is, “I know!” 

Oh, do you?... 
                                     ...Then why are you asking for advice and why aren't you doing it?

It boils down to this. Do they really know or do they think they know? The truth is, you don’t really know until you’ve done something successfully then repeated it.  Sometimes it takes doing it, repeating it, then teaching it to others before you really know it!!
Goals vs Behaviors
So now that we have determined, you don’t know...yet...let’s talk about sizing up your goals to your behaviors.  Setting a goal is the best way to achieve greatness in whatever area of life you are trying to improve. If leading a healthy lifestyle inclusive of being fit is your goal, then let’s be sure your behaviors are on point to reach your goals. If you say you want to lose 20 lbs and 4% body fat in the next month, however, you work out 3 times per week and are only semi-following your diet plan...GUT CHECK...you are not going to reach your goal. You’ll be lucky to reach it in 6 months. Sometimes drastic times require drastic measures...grab a partner and determine if your actions are measuring up!

Now you are saying, “but that’s the problem, being so hard core...all the time...is what makes me give up!”  You must understand that there will be peaks and valleys. I recommend setting an Ultimate Goal..then several smaller goals to get you there. For example, for the next 4 weeks you will follow an accelerated diet, nutrition and workout plan for jump starting your fat loss. The next 2 weeks you will follow a more moderate/maintenance plan, then for the next 4 you will step it up.  Everyone has their comfort zones and cadence. Find yours and appreciate those valleys, as they are the resting periods for the times you are trying to reach the top of the mountain!

Now that you know that you don’t really know, I hope you can take some of this advice to start thinking about your Ultimate Goals and how you can reach them. We’ll talk about setting goals in another post...and until then...

It's My Fit Life...and I'm sharing it with you!

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